
Monocure 3D TUFF resin is a unique blend of advanced urethanes specifically designed to produce a part that possesses high tensile strength. These mechanical properties provide a right balance of strength, flexibility and a hard surface finish. Use M3D TUFF if you intend to 3D print robust engineering prototypes. It was designed to withstand high stress and strain. Once fully post-cured, TUFF can also be machined, painted or polished for further finishing.
TUFF requires post-curing to reach its optimal mechanical properties. We recommend using a 405nm LED Ultra-Violet light to post-cure the model. It is recommended to post-cure for at least 30mins to improve the tensile strength of the resin, but up to 2 hours will further enhance the mechanical properties.
When measuring the Tensile strength of our material, the pressure is applied to it gradually until it gives. TUFF resin has a much higher rating than most resins on the market.
A hard surface without being brittle gives TUFF its unique properties. The cleaned surface is perfect for painting if required.
Its important that your model lasts the test of time, we have done comprehensive aging tests and TUFF has passed with flying colours.
We had an independent lab do this report on our TUFF resin, printed at different heights and with varying cure times.
Monocure3D TUFF resin is a unique blend of advanced urethanes specifically designed to produce a 3D printed model that possesses increased tensile strength and long life durability. These properties provide the right balance of fine detail, strength, flexibility and a hard surface finish.
We recommend using M3D TUFF if you intend to 3D print models that you want to remain rigid and hard yet withstand stress and strain without being brittle. Once post-cured, TUFF can be machined, painted or polished for further finishing.
Our development team has created this unique resin to be much lower in viscosity that does not require heating to help achieve the most significant details possible; this also reduces the build-up of resin that can get trapped behind supports.
M3D TUFF was specifically designed as a low odour formula to suit confined spaces such as home offices, garages and family living spaces.
TUFF resin is very versatile and can be printed between 5 micron and 100 micron layer heights. To achieve the best results 3D models should always be designed solid, if hollowing is required, ensure drain holes are included to remove any trapped resin.
Always print large flat areas on an angle to help with print deformation due to the adhesion to the FEP film. To assist with unsupported areas, ensure you use well-positioned, solid supports. We recommend you add 1-2 seconds wait after print setting to allow the material to cool after curing before starting to lift the build plate. (Not all slicers have this setting, check with your software provider) This resin will print faster than our rapid model resin, please adjust your settings accordingly. Use a calibration model like this one, to dial in your printer with our resin.